Latest Episodes
October 16, 2020
Dr Chris Loewald on Lockdown Learnings: monetary policy leeway during a pandemic
Shortly after the October MPR, ERSA’s host sat down with Dr Chris Loewald, the Head of the Research Department at the Reserve Bank, and...
October 09, 2020
Prof. Nicola Viegi on SAMNet: a new economic modelling network is born
Adapting to the times, ERSA introduces its new initiative – the South African Modelling Network. In this podcast, Margaux G meets up with ERSA’s...
October 02, 2020
Isaah Mhlanga on why South Africa’s unemployment rate went down this Covid-Quarter
In this podcast, ERSA’s host speaks to Isaah Mhlanga, a Chief Economist at Alexander Forbes about the latest unemployment figures released by Statistics South...
July 10, 2020
Prof. Estian Calitz on Fiscal Sustainability in South Africa: what are the shortcomings we face?
Shortly after the Minister of Finance gave his Supplementary Budget Speech, ERSA’s host, Margaux G met up with Prof. Estian Calitz, an Emeritus Professor...
June 26, 2020
Dr David Fowkes on QE and central bank balance sheet policies: Does South Africa have ‘magic money’?
Shortly after the Governor of the SARB gave his speech about the future of Monetary Policy in South Africa, ERSA’s host Margaux G met...
May 29, 2020
Prof Johannes W. Fedderke on the South African – US sovereign bond spread: how is this associated with macroeconomic variables?
In this podcast, Prof. Johannes W. Fedderke, the Director of ERSA speaks to our host, Margaux G about his research on the South African...