Economic Research Southern Africa

Welcome to ERSA’s Podcast Series. In these conversations, we explore topical economic issues and see how they affect our daily lives here in South Africa. Speaking to experienced and knowledgeable...more

Latest Episodes

Prof Nicola Viegi deciphers the Nobel Prize winning research

November 15, 2022

Prof Nicola Viegi deciphers the Nobel Prize winning research

In this podcast, ERSA’s host sits down with Prof. Nicola Viegi, the SARB  Chair of Monetary Economics from the University of Pretoria, to discuss...



EconData and the world of single source automatable data

May 15, 2022

EconData and the world of single source automatable data

In this podcast we learn how EconData has solved a couple problems that many economic students, academics and researchers have encountered: firstly, the limited...



Dr Channing Arndt on Building back fairer from the Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa

November 19, 2021

Dr Channing Arndt on Building back fairer from the Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa

Post-pandemic, South Africa’s economy finds itself in a constrained fiscal environment yearning for economic growth. Without increased government spending, how can it rebuild itself...



Isaah Mhlanga on a positive MTBPS: getting to know Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana

November 12, 2021

Isaah Mhlanga on a positive MTBPS: getting to know Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana

After our new Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivered his first Medium Term Budget Policy Speech, ERSA’s host speaks to Isaah Mhlanga, a Chief Economist...



Dr Matthew Stern on understanding South Africa’s trade policy and performance

August 05, 2021

Dr Matthew Stern on understanding South Africa’s trade policy and performance

An issue often overlooked in many discussions is that of exports and trade in the South African economy. But with a downward trajectory over...



Prof Andreas Wörgötter on addressing current and persisting challenges in South Africa’s labour market

July 23, 2021

Prof Andreas Wörgötter on addressing current and persisting challenges in South Africa’s labour market

At a time when tensions are rising due to growing inequality and unemployment, ERSA’s host is joined by Prof. Andreas Wörgötter from the Vienna...

